Masturbation (2)
I read your report on masturbation this Sunday afternoon. I am 17
and have been a Christian for a considerable length of time. Well I
wont go on too much but i just wanted to say that you covered some
interesting points.Sex is a very big problem in society today and is
one thats difficult to get to grips with.Right now I am quite unsure
wheather I believe masturbation is a sin or not but I do sometimes
worry that it is not pleasing to God,then again if it helps keep
someone away from bigger sins is it so terribly wrong?However I
often think how long it will act as a safety net and prevention from
entering a relationship which could turn sexual outside of
marriage.I haven't been involved with guys as yet as I believe they
would take my time away from my studies but that is definitely not
to say I would not like to be but I seem to end up liking the wrong
sorts of fellas.
A reply to this would be good even just to say you read it.
Thank you for writing me. I will ask the friends who I work with in
answering email to pray for you. Perhaps one or two of them will
write you also. I hope you don't mind?
I approach the whole issue of masturbation with this question: what
is the purpose for which God made us sexual beings? To me, God's
intent is for sexual expression to be an integral part of a marriage
between one man and one woman who have made a life-long commitment to
be together and to serve one another in love.
Sexual expression in any other context will be incomplete and
unfulfilling to say the least. God wants us to become whole persons
and any improper use of sex hinders our becoming whole persons in
Several people have written me and asked me if I think that
masturbation is a palliative. That is, is it an acceptable form of
temporary release? I do not think so. We humans can not live without
food or water, but abstinence and chastity are considered meritorious
virtuous and have no ill effects on us at all.
It is a constant effort of the will to resist the immorality of the
world around us and to "strive for the holiness without which no one
will see God." It is such a great privilege to be one of God's people
and to be called out of a very lost world which is headed for
Fellowship with other Christians is vital for every one of us. We do
not do well isolated from our brothers and sisters--our
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
--Colossians 3:17
God bless you,